No Going Back

We are distraught, and yet comfortable. Afraid, and yet facing no immediate danger. Shook, and yet half asleep.

Life can not return to normal, because normal life is one of ignorance and selfishness, systemic biases, layers upon layers of oppressions, and unresolved historical injustices without reparations, that together are creating untold death and destruction, and thrusting our friends, our colleagues, and our families into yet another crisis they face alone.

Normal life is one in which our love for comfort holds us back, in a state of inertia, each time injustice occurs. We don’t know what to say, or what to do. So we do nothing. The scale of injustice overwhelms our instinctive privilege - we aren’t supposed to feel bad, because we are raised to believe it’s our birthright to feel good.

Just recently, we found ourselves in joy at being in business to brew life-affirming experiences. We are now in business to do life-changing things. To work within the status quo, and simply conduct our business of self-enrichment is to support a status quo encompassing structures of brutality and violence, of inequity and injustice.

Our privilege is a platform, and we are going to use it not to gesture, but to amplify and showcase, and to fund and directly support efforts to progress communities in need, and to realise our shared humanity.

We are in conversation with our loved ones and friends throughout the industry, as we plot ways in which we can take the actions necessary, together, to effect positive change. If not now, when? If not us, who?

We are establishing a Better Futures committee and Better Futures fund, supported by 10% of our annual profits and our best efforts, and will work to earn your empathy and trust to confront and deconstruct privilege, and in its place, build opportunities.

Many of you have supported us in so many ways because we enriched your lives. Now we ask you to join us, to work with us, and to support us to create a better future, and a new normal. There’s no going back…


Paul Jones